Donations & Bequests

Donations & Gifts in Wills are among the most important contributions to SIRKS’s funds each year and enable us to help more people in need of short-term help to get their lives back on track after illness, sudden loss of income or other unexpected life events. Your legacy can make all the difference.  

Corporate Sponsorship

By choosing to sponsor SIRKS your business is showing its commitment to supporting the greater Dublin community and contributing to our mission - to help people experiencing temporary hardship due to illness, unemployment or other unforeseen circumstances, and who need assistance to get their lives back on track.

Benefits to your business:

  • Get involved in your community

  • Link to Dublin’s oldest charity

  • Provide direct support to the communities in which your company operates

  • Build your reputation as a socially responsible company

  • Generate positive PR opportunities

  • Be associated with a well-established assistance charity with a local focus


  • Card Donations can be made using the Donate button. 

  • Cheque Donations should please be made payable to The Sick & Indigent Roomkeepers Society.

  • Donations of €250 or more in a given tax year can be eligible for tax relief under the Revenue Commissioner’s Charitable Donation Scheme.

  • To allow SIRKS to claim the relief please complete one of the following forms and send it to us using our office address.

Enduring Certificate Form CHY3

An Enduring Certificate should be completed if you wish to allow a charity claim tax relief in respect of donations you make to it during the lifetime of the certificate (valid for five years).

Annual Certificate Form CHY4

An Annual Certificate should be completed if you wish to provide a charity with information on an annual basis to support a claim for tax relief in respect of your donations to that charity during the year.

How to Make a Gift in your Will.

There are a number of different ways to leave a gift in your Will. If you are considering leaving a gift in your Will to SIRKS, you should consult your solicitor for advice. The following may be a suitable form of bequest.

Donor’s Charter

  • SIRKS (The Sick and Indigent Roomkeepers Society) will take responsibility for its actions and will be capable of explaining, clarifying and justifying those actions.

    The SIRKS trustees and management will explain and account to donors and the public for the charity’s actions.

    SIRKS will operate in an open, frank and honest way and will ensure that transactions, operations, information and communications are easily understood by donors and the public alike.

    SIRKS will clearly identify to donors and the public the cause for which the fundraising is occurring and how donations will and are being used.

    SIRKS will provide ways whereby those interested can easily contact the charity.

    SIRKS will have a procedure in place to address complaints.

  • All fundraising will respect the rights and dignity of donors, beneficiaries and the public.

    Fundraising activities will not be unreasonably persistent, intrusive or place undue pressure on people to donate. Should someone not wish to donate, or wish to cease making a donation, that decision will be respected.

    Beneficiaries will not be presented in a disrespectful way in promotional activities and, where possible and appropriate, clients and beneficiaries will have an input into the promotional strategies of SIRKS.

  • Fundraising will occur in an honest and truthful manner.

    Fundraisers will act with integrity and not misrepresent SIRKS, its need for funds or how they will be applied.

    Questions about fundraising activities and fundraising costs will be answered honestly and in a timely manner.

    Information about SIRKS’s charitable purpose and activities will be made freely available.

    Charitable donations and gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were donated.


Board of Directors

